Thursday 13 December 2012

Marble pot.

This is our first project, made entirely from paper pulp (and marbles). We used some 'antique' and some modern marbles (140ish) as something interesting to set into the mush.

We were a bit impatient and managed to squish the first layer. It still needs painting. The whole pinata lady family were involved in the making of it.

Sorry this picture is so ropey there was a giant inflatable pink unicorn trying to eat out of it at the time. Out of literally hundreds of pics this was the best. One day we'll get around to takeing some more!

We built the base first and then built up the sides a layer at a time. We really wouldn't recommend this as a first project with pulp! We got to this point and decided it would make a nice ash tray and that we never wanted to see the blooming thing again.

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